Rob Neal - Finesse Wedges - Feb 11 Campers
Camp Videos
Join Dr Rob Neal and the Campers at Hammock Beach Resort & Spa as Rob shows the campers a process to become a great chipper (finesse wedges).
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Up Next in Camp Videos
Putting Partner Activity (Feb 11 Cam...
Join Christina and the Campers at Hammock Beach Resort & Spa as they partner up to help improve their putting strokes. The putter is wearing the MORE PAR Swing Trainer to help stabilize the lower body while the second camper holds the putter's head.
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Putting - The 5 Things (Feb 11 Campers)
If you want more pars and one-putts, Join Christina and the Hammock Feb 11 Campers as they learn the 5 things that must be very quiet and still throughout the putting stroke.
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Putting Assessment & Practice Session...
Join Christina and the Campers at Hammock Beach Resort & Spa as Christina shows a fun way to assess and practice a square putter face at impact to ensurve your ball starts on your intended line.
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