Wiggly Knee Costing You Distance? (pals blowing it by you)
If you want more pars, but feel like your balls are going nowhere, let's take a look at your lead knee.
Drill to Groove Hip Flexion
The Butt Move is hip flexion. I do not like using the term hips because then players oftentimes just spin their hips which is the very last thing you want to do. Instead we need to engage the butt muscles. This drill using Martin’s awesome Toolbox helps get you there.
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Mass & Pressure what is the Difference Between?
A great question from John a YT subscriber. What is the Difference Between Mass & Pressure and How Soon do you move it?
A really important tip on Alignment
If you want more pars, know where you are REALLY going. To help, I am going to give you a really important tip on alignment as I see this way too many times with my campers. Misalignment greatly affects the downswing, so your alignment needs to be spot-on.
Your Grip Affects Everything! featuring Camper Chuck
If you want more pars, understanding how your grip affects your entire swing is paramount. In this week’s episode, we feature Chuck. A sharp dresser with a super weak grip.
Grip Mistakes That’ll Cost Ya Pars
It’s the low hanging fruit, check your grip if your balls are going all over the place and no where. Example, If your clubface is open coming into the strike zone you’ll need to do some fancy maneuvers to square that face. The result is oftentimes, not pretty. Plus I share other issues grip mista...
Upgrade Your Driver's Speed with the X-Factor
Get more X-Factor in your golf swing for lots more distance. I am using the awesome golf gym band to feel the stretch.
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Speed: Proper Way to Ramp It Up (Most Get It Wrong)
Players go off by expending all the speed way before the ball. Instead, let’s reverse that.
Shoulders Limiting Your Swing?
Let's assess your should mobility to ensure that you can properly set it during the backswing and downswing.
Control Chip & Pitch Height (Easy & Repeatable)
Here is an easy way with one club to control the height of your chips and pitch shots.
This Head Mistake Creates Slicers
Avoid this popular head movement so you at least have a chance to get rid of that slice.
Wrist Hinge & Trail Arm for Power Generation
Get lots of speed with your trail wrist hinge and trail arm bend. First you got to understand the whys and then how to do it.
Grip's Gone Bad + Posture Essentials
Grip and posture the first steps for a great golf swing. This is outstanding for newer players and a must-see for the experienced players as a great refresher.
Setup Mistakes That Will Cost You Pars
Setup really affects the swing in motion so let's get you cleaned up with my More Pars sponge for more pars of course.
HELP! My Back Hurts When I Swing?
Powering through with a stiff back is dangerous and should be avoided. I answer a comments to help you alleviate the situation.
Driver Setup with Pressure (what's the best ratio)
What's the best ratio between your feet with the driver? How to setup the optimal ratio with your feet pressure with the driver.
Chip Technique with a Fluff Lie
When you find your ball on a fluffed up lie how do you play it?
Chest Position Mistake To Avoid (at all costs)
An epically popular setup mistake that greatly affects the swing. It just makes the swing so dang challenging. Instead, this one tweak will free up your swing to move into the correct positions.
Eliminate Back Pain When Putting (key setup point)
Many players experience back pain when putting which forces them out of their good putting posture. Instead, implement this key setup point to eliminate your back pain. Incorporate with all your golf shots.
Slice Fix: Engage this Key Move
Players try lots of ways to eliminate that slice or pulled golf shot, Instead, focus on this key move to forever change your golf swing with all your long game shots.
Torso for Chips (that’s where the magic is)
Many players focus too much on the hands and arms instead of the torso. The torso is where the real magic is for shots around the green.
Backswing Mistake When Loading Lower Body
Learn how to properly load the trail leg in the backswing. By doing. this correctly, you then can generate lots of force and speed during the downswing.
Chip Technique: High & Low Shots
Being able to control trajectory around the green, takes your short game to a whole new high level so you can score low.
Trail Elbow Flair Ups
Assessment time to determine can you physically get your trail elbow in front of your torso. If not, you may experience a flair up.