Each week Christina delivers a golf tip to your inbox with her popular Tip of the Week. Practical tips for your golf game that deliver more pars. Plus, be the first to know about upcoming More Pars Camps exclusive product promotions and announcements.

  • Are Your Pitch Shots on Plane?

    If you want more pars, let’s get your short shots around the green on plane. Yep, even the short shots need to be on plane. If you are off plane, you’ll top, chunk, or struggle with distance control and trajectory.

  • Why I LOVE the BUTT MOVE (and you should too)

    If you want more pars, but have not pop off the face with your ball striking or you really struggle with solid strikes, let’s make sure you are engaging the butt. I share why I love it for my own swing!

  • Slices, Pulls and Hooks? (check your front leg)

    If you want more pars but struggle with Slices, Pulls and Hooks, then let’s make sure that you are finishing with a strong lead side. This is key for solid ball striking and tons of power.

  • Is Your Golf Plane Flying?

    If you want more pars but struggle with solid ball striking, let’s get your arms in a better setup position which helps you maintain your swing structure for awesome shots.

  • Get 30+ Yards off the tee (but you must do this one thing)

    If you want more pars and LOTs more distance then let's make sure you are really using your big muscles and not just the arms.

  • Ball on a Downslope (make smart choices)

    If you want more pars and find your ball on a downslope around the green, then let’s get you the essential keys to get it close to the pin. The first order of business is to choose your land spot wisely. Join me for a More Pars Camp here at the beautiful Sedona Golf Resort.

  • Get Loaded Up in Your Backswing

    If you want more pars, join myself and CardioGolf.com creator Karen Jansen for at home and on the range practice. In this episode, let's get you to load better into your backswing so the downswing is effortless.

  • Rotating Enough in the Backswing?

    If you want more pars but your pals are blowing it by you, then let’s make sure that you are really rotating enough with a focus on the lower body.

  • Basket Practice (helps you groove the move)

    Grab a basket and join me and my campers as we groove the golf swing. I love using a basket because it really helps you to FEEL what the golf swing should feel like. Take that same feeling with your club.

  • Training Aid-Pressure Plate

    If you want more pars and struggle with moving your pressure properly throughout the golf swing, then head to the link below to get the Pressure Plate by WHY Golf. It’s really awesome. I do not like hitting balls off this but it is really good range and at home practice.

  • Understanding Bunker Hinge (so you don’t blade it)

    If you want more pars, but really struggle (conceptually and actually) with your bunker backswing and hinge then this tip is for you. I share common scenarios and how to correct.

  • Uneven Lies (chip technique)

    If you want more pars, learn how to play a chip shot when you find your ball above, below your feet, on a downhill lie or on an uphill lie. I keep it super simple, so you can get it close.

  • During the Takeaway Check Your Clubface (it's important)

    If you want more pars but struggle with balls that go right (especially) or left, then let’s check your clubface. I want YOU to be your best coach and you need to know what your clubface is doing throughout and the takeaway is a good place to start.

  • A Chip & Pitch Shot has a Swing Plane?

    If you want more pars, are you on plane with your chip and pitch shots? Yep, even with the short shots. I walk through what to look for with your shots around the green.

  • Groove Golf Rotation with Painter's Tape

    If you want more pars, head to the hardware store and get yourself some painters tape. Let's groove your backswing and downswing with the tape and a wall. Let's get to it!

  • UB Coach bunker no-no’s

    If you want more pars, UB coach and let’s see if you can identify the mistakes that many-many players make from the bunker.

  • Swing Through the Cone

    If you want more pars, swing out to the right. I share a great way to practice this at the range and on the course with great visuals

  • Reach Out for Effortless Ball Striking

    If you want more pars, but struggle with ball striking, let’s make sure that you reach out to get max width while making a good rotation around your spine. A must for a consistent low point. For width, focus on the trail arm (NOT the lead arm).

  • How to Play Uphill Lie from the fairway

    If you want more pars, let’s get you the keys you need to be successful when you find your ball on an uphill lie from the fairway.

  • Improve Your Downswing
 (at home)

    If you want more pars, grab some tees and some backyard space and let’s groove your downswing into impact - the strike zone.

    I share top top culprits and how to really fix it right in the comfort of your own home. The tees represent a ball to your brain so you make real swings (versus not strik...

  • Be a Great Wedge Player (focus on impact)

    If you want more pars, let’s improve your impact with your distance wedges 60-100 yards. I am using the GSNAP Training Aid to assist me. It helps your lead wrist from flipping or coming under the ball (scoopy). Get it at MissPar.com

  • Get More Height & Clean Thump

    If you want more pars, let's focus on a clean thump with an abbreviated follow-through. Where payers go off is their passionate effort to get some height, they scoop the ball out. Let's change that now.

  • Get the Chest Through (here's why)

    If you want more pars, but struggle with less than solid shots, then let’s look at your chest. Is it getting through enough?

  • How to Putt Like Cameron Smith

    If you want more pars, let’s adopt a few keys from Cameron Smith’s awesome stroke. He’s doing something that you ain’t. So, let’s get to it!