Putt Practice - Intended Line
Putt Fixes
4m 14s
Not many players are aware that starting the ball on its intended line is critically important. In this fun practice session using the 12 foot Prime Putt Mat and some art tape, I show you how to practice this right at home or at the range.
GET THE PRIME PUTT MAT - 10% off with code MOREPARS at checkout
Up Next in Putt Fixes
Putt Practice - Loft, Line & Arc
The perfect practice session covering many key variables at once. I am using my Tru-Arc Trainer for the putting arc, the Rollboard for line and loft and the awesome Prime Putt 12 Foot Mat.
GET THE PRIME PUTT MAT - 10% off with code MOREPARS at checkout
https://primeputt.com/products/golf#morepar... -
Putt Practice with the Speed Strip
What is your process for speed control? I share a smart and fun way to groove your speed control.
https://www.amazon.com/MORE-PARS-Control-Training-Guessing/dp/B0CHQZLVM6 -
Putt's True Arc
What's your putter's true arc? It is based on your putter's lie angle not you trying to create the arc. A great practice session using my Tru-Arc Trainer and the Prime Putt Mat.
GET THE PRIME PUTT MAT - 10% off with code MOREPARS at checkout