Top 10 Long Game Tips

Top 10 Long Game Tips

Check out Christina's top tips for your long game—a curated collection to address common student scenarios.

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Top 10 Long Game Tips
  • Takeaway - Get This Right

    If you want more pars, let's focus on your takeaway. It does 3 great things: Creates width, squares the clubface and helps to keep your backswing on plane. But, the most important (bonus) thing that the takeaway helps you to achieve is leverage with the ground. Without the ground, there'd be no g...

  • Wrist Hinge Simplified

    If you want more pars, let's make sure you understand how your wrists operate in the golf swing. They actually work differently from one another. Understanding how they work independently is a simple approach to ensuring that you are hinging correctly. So, let's get to it.

  • How to Make a Big Backswing (without the weird-factor)

    If you want more pars and more distance, let's make sure that you are REALLY making a backswing. Many players struggle with fully turning their back to the target. A popular reason with my students, is that they lose their sense of get's weird back there. So, instead, they end up not t...

  • How to Rotate: Backswing & Downswing

    If you want more pars, but struggle with inconsistent ball striking, then let's get you crystal clear on HOW the body rotates on the backswing and downswing. So, let's get to it.

  • Lead Wrist and Clubface Pals - Part 1

    If you want more pars and better ball striking, let's focus on the outside of your lead hand and the clubface. These two are pals. They like to work together as a team to get the clubface back to square at impact. I walk you through from your address position, takeaway, top of the backswing on th...

  • Wrist Bowed Done (how to do it)

    If you want more pars, let's show you how to leverage the club to maintain your downswing angles AND get that lead wrist bowed at impact (versus cupped and early released). Most players get that concept but just not sure HOW to make it happen. I share the step by step. So, let's get to it!

  • Wrists at Impact - get them Zip-Zinging!

    If you want more pars, but struggle with distance, let me show you how to get the wrists releasing like lightning. The first step is understanding how they work and how to place the club in your hands — key to that effort. The next step is to crack the lightning or light the match. So, let’s get ...

  • Lean In (not up)

    If you want better ball striking and more compression, then this tip is for you. I share in detail: How to Transition in the Golf Swing. The Lean In is a great move to seamlessly blend the backswing and downswing. So, let's get to it!

  • How to Sequence Backswing to Impact

    If you want more pars, but struggle with HOW to sequence the top of your backswing to impact, then this tips for you. I share 5 cues to get there because everyone is different. One cue may resonate and change your ball striking. Let me know in the comments! So, let's get to it!

  • Is this Your Finish? (oh-oh)

    If you want more pars, let's make sure that you really-really understand the importance and keys to a successful finish. If not, you'll sacrifice lots-and-lots of distance AND accuracy. So, let's get to it.