

Impact is the moment of truth. Impact is truly the essence of great ball striking. There are many ways to get to the ball, but there’s only one way to strike it. So, in this playlist will dive into what makes great impact. So, let’s get to it.

MORE PARS TIP: Get Coach help if you are unclear about this topic or would like a swing review.

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  • Top 5 Tips for More Compression

    If you want more pars, but struggle with less than solid shots either from the fairway or off the tee, then let's get you better compression. This translates to more energy when you strike the ball. Energy can be measured with smash factor. We want to increase our smash factor to create better co...

  • How the Lead Hand Wrist Works

    This is a very important video to watch to help you clearly understand how the lead hand twists the club to help square it up. The lead wrist, clubface and body rotation are all pals and need to work together to make the swing work best.


    If you want more pars, let’s take a look at one of the cleanest swings on the LPGA TOUR. Can you guess who that is? I share three keys from her swing that you can copy for your own swing. We dive into hip rotation, transition, lead wrist during the downswing and more. Plus, we get a surprise visi...

  • PRACTICE Clubface Control - ep2

    If you want more pars, but struggle with solid contact, let’s focus on your clubface at impact. Is it open, square, closed? And what controls the face? Your grip, wrists and body pivot. Often referred to as match-ups. In this episode, I introduce Hack Motion. A smart way to REALLY know what your ...

  • Week 4 -Train Your Wrists with GSNAP and Flex Click

    Let’s train your trail and lead wrist with the help of Martin’s Flex Click and George Gankas, GSNAP. I love these and use them when I train. You’ll love it too because they give you great feedback and are so easy to use.

    Get the Flex Click. Use Code MOREPARS to save 10%

  • Week 4 -3 Ways to Train Your Wrists (GSNAP, FlexClick, Wrist Alarm)

    Here are 3 fun ways to groove better wrist action: Martin’s FlexClick, George Gankas, GSNAP. And WHY GOLF’s Arm Alarm. I love these and use them when I train. You’ll love it too because they give you great feedback and are so easy to use.

    Get the Flex Click. Use Code MOREPARS to save 10%

  • Practice Wrists at Home

    If you want more pars, but struggle with consistency with your golf shots then let’s train the controller of the clubface, your lead wrist. You can do this practice session right at home! I am using #Hackmotion, It’s awesome and super easy. Especially good for newer players. You’ll also need a bu...

  • What’s Your Swing Style (+ wrist focus)

    If you want more pars, let’s identify your swing style. Are you a one or two-planer? The next step is to make sure it’s a match for you. In this tip, we’ll examine two great ball strikers and take a look at their wrists conditions as well as that play s a huge role in how to square the face. So, ...

  • How to TRAIN Clubface Control - Ep1

    If you want more pars, but struggle with solid contact, let’s focus on your clubface at impact. Is it open, square, closed? And what controls the face? Your grip, wrists and body pivot. Often referred to as match-ups. In this episode, I introduce Hack Motion. A smart way to REALLY know what your ...

  • Wrists at Impact - get them Zip-Zinging!

    If you want more pars, but struggle with distance, let me show you how to get the wrists releasing like lightning. The first step is understanding how they work and how to place the club in your hands — key to that effort. The next step is to crack the lightning or light the match. So, let’s get ...

  • Trail Elbow & Wrist Bends

    Understand the role of the Trail Elbow & Wrist Bends. Plus, how to improve these bends for better ball striking.

  • 3 Ways to Groove Impact (at home)

    I share 3 fun and measurable ways to practice at home.
    GSNAP and Mo’ Paahhs Ball marker: Head to to get the GSNAP You’ll get a free More Pars Pocket Guide with your order!

    HackMotion head here and use code: moreparsgolf
    5% discount for all three of ou...

  • Swing Trainer & Arm Band for More Pars


    This dynamic duo will be your pal for solid ball striking. Wrap the Swing Trainer around the hip area, insert the mini-rod and you’re ready to swing and get instant clear feedback. Use the second mini-rod for alignment, ...

  • No Distance or Wayward? (check your front leg)

    If you want more pars but struggle with Slices, Pulls and Hooks, then let’s make sure that you are finishing with a strong lead side. This is key for solid ball striking and tons of power.

  • Head Gettin’ Ahead? (you're dead)

    If you want more pars, but you really struggle with solid ball striking then let's take a look at your head is it getting ahead during the downswing. If it gets ahead your dad. But the true culprit oftentimes is not the head it's something else not sure what that is right now. So let's get to it.

  • Why I LOVE the BUTT MOVE (and you should too)

    If you want more pars, but have not pop off the face with your ball striking or you really struggle with solid strikes, let’s make sure you are engaging the butt. I share why I love it for my own swing!

  • Improve Your Downswing
 (at home)

    If you want more pars, grab some tees and some backyard space and let’s groove your downswing into impact - the strike zone.

    I share top top culprits and how to really fix it right in the comfort of your own home. The tees represent a ball to your brain so you make real swings (versus not strik...

  • Swing Trainer for AWESOME Swings


    The Swing Trainer gives you clear feedback for all areas of the swing. Place the Swing Trainer around the hip area, insert the mini-rod and you’re ready to swing and get instant clear feedback. Use the second mini-rod for ali...

  • Butt Move Inhibitors

    I share popular physical reasons why your butt move may be limited. Our brain needs to be able to turn on the butt muscles and if it can't you need to find out why.

  • Train Hip Rotation (BUTT MOVE)

    Place the Swing Trainer around the hip area, insert the mini-rod and you’re ready to swing and get instant clear feedback. Use the second mini-rod for alignment, backswing hip rotation and downswing hip rotation.

    [IMPROVE BALL STRIKING] Place the Swing Trainer around t...

  • Impact Trainer (made easy)

    The More Pars Impact Towel takes the guesswork out of low point for your long game and chipping. Its oversized friendly design makes it fun to groove a better impact position without the worry of being startled if you strike it. It comes with 4 anchor tees to the towel is fixed even when struck. ...

  • The Surprising Way Your Head Impacts Impact

    Your hands must be leading as you enter the strike zone. If your head gets in the way of that process, you’re toast. Let’s save the toast for breakfast.

  • X Marks The Spot

    X Marks The Spot for awesome drives. Grab some chalk at your local hardware store and let's get your drives spot on target.

  • Head Ahead (is this you?)

    If you want more pars, but struggle with your head through the ball. it dives forward resulting in misfires off the clubface. If this sounds like you, then I provide a collection of cues to help keep the head where it belongs at the point of impact. So, let's get to it.