Improve Chip Contact
This is a great playlist that focuses on contact and nothing but the contact. Many players struggle with consistent low point and end up hitting behind or blading the ball. Instead, let’s get you striking your chips with a crisp clean feeling. So, let’s get to it!
Excessive Knee Flex?
Groove Chipping with a Noodle
What Floats Your Chipping Boat?
Let's improve your chipping skills with these fun drills. Effective ways to practice solid contact
Don't Horse Around with Your Chipping
Move Forward (please)
Misconception Series - Chipping
Don't Horse Around with Your Chipping
Chips & A Bug
Got the Chip Flips?
Hands to Hole for Chip Success
Feel the Clubhead
Get Crisp Chips - 3 Options
Flamingo Your Chips
Chipping Tempo Out of Whack?
Using my 58 degree, I share key points to smooth out your tempo so you can get it close.
Misconceptions with Chipping
Are you clear on how the chipping stroke works. Is it just the arms or does the body participate in the party? Let's find out.