

The Golf Swing is very athletic and requires a solid set up to produce and efficient movement pattern. The way in which we address the ball is what we call posture. For example, how we get into that address position by hinging from our hips, establishing the correct forward ben with our torso is paramount for success. And as we begin the motion of the golf swing, it is important to understand how the posture is maintained throughout.

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  • Posture Mistakes to Avoid with Step Progression to Fix

    A great session for newer players and refresher for those struggling to get into good golf posture and stying in good golf posture throughout the swing

  • Eliminate Back Pain When Putting (key setup point)

    Many players experience back pain when putting which forces them out of their good putting posture. Instead, implement this key setup point to eliminate your back pain. Incorporate with all your golf shots.

  • Posture & Plane are Pals

    Staying in golf posture is absolutely paramount as it helps to keep you on plane. This overview helps make the concept clear for you.

  • Losing Hip Flexion (butt why?)

    If you want more pars but cannot stay in your posture, let’s identify body culprits so you can then resolve them. Your body is messing with your golf swing! Let’s find out why.

  • Why You Keep Coming Out of Golf Posture

    If you want more pars, let’s examine the popular reason why you physically cannot stay in your posture. Fluctuating your hip flexion wreaks havoc on your golf shots. And it typically begins right at setup.

  • Train Golf Posture (start to finish)

    My MORE PARS Arm Band with Loop System will be your game changer for all area of the game.

    Take the guesswork out of your chips and pitches with the More Pars Arm Band with Mini-Rod. If you struggle with chunking or blading your short shots around the green, then this Arm Band will be your savin...

  • Help! I Cannot Stay in My Golf Posture? (I’m outta balance)

    If you want more pars, but for the life of ya, you cannot stay in your posture throughout the swing, then let’s check your balance points. They play a key role in with posture during the backswing and downswing.

  • Feel the Real Swing (do it right at home)

    Practice Your Golf Swing at Home (do this a ton!)If you want more pars, grab a ball and a wall and let’s train the golf swing. It is paramount that you train your golf swing posture and rotation a ton. Without the worry of hitting a golf ball, makes it even more efficient.

  • Posture on a Plane

    What’s Your Favorite Airline?
    Mine is jetBlue as indicated by my blue outfit.

    To get a feel of golf posture, let’s jump on your favorite airline and take flight. Simulating an airplane helps players feel the bends and tilts of the golf swing. Plus, it’s a great pre-round warm-up.

  • Understanding Golf Posture

    There are two kinds of golf posture: Static and Dynamic.
    In this section, let’s identify the keys for both. Static posture is your address position. Dynamic posture is your swing’s posture in motion. Posture is comprised of bends and tilts (rotation), which keeps the concept of posture simple.

  • Posture Setup Keys

    Let’s dive into the general keys for great posture.

  • Forward Bend Technique To Get Trail Arm In Front Of Torso

    How much forward bend do you need to to set the stage for getting your arm structure in front of your torso during the downswing. I share the keys to get this right.

  • How to Stay in Your Posture (featuring Mille)

    If you want more pars but really struggle staying in your posture, than this tip is for you. I feature awesome Millie who completely transformed her backswing posture by focusing on key elements and then adding this feel to her pre-shot when on the course. Plus, I share lots more critical key poi...

  • What is Neutral Spine?

  • How to Rotate: Backswing & Downswing

    If you want more pars, but struggle with inconsistent ball striking, then let's get you crystal clear on HOW the body rotates on the backswing and downswing. So, let's get to it.

  • Mobility - Find Neutral

    • Start in S-Posture, move into C-Posture and back into S-Posture
    • Find neutral between the extremes of both postures
    • Keep spine neutral with a slight curve near the pelvis

  • Christina & Jeff & Posture

    Join Christina and Jeff in this fun episode as they talk posture and share ways to assess and promote better golf posture.

  • Posture with Shafts


  • Squeeze an Orange for Better Posture

  • Driver - Side Bend

  • Angels on the Wall for Posture